Ohio Online Real Estate Academy

Idaho Online Real Estate Academy Policy Document

Version 1.2 (“Current” Version)


The Objective of this document is to outline the policies that will govern interactions between Idaho Real Estate Online Academy, its students, and for disclosure purposes to the Idaho Real Estate Commission (“IREC”) and the Idaho Real Estate Education Council.

Policy List

1. Refund Policy

2. Cancellation Policy

3. Confidentiality Policy

4. Attendance Policy

5. Make-Up Work Policy


1. Refund Policy

Tuition refunds for school administered classes, will be given providing written notification is received within 10 days from the 45 Lesson Hour Module Exam Date. Fees for course materials and shipping, if applicable, as well as payment provider processing fees will not be refunded.

All refunds will be issued within 14 business days, or as mutually agreed between both parties.

Neither lack of attendance for any reason, nor failing the Module exams will be considered grounds for course withdrawal, and no refund will be issued.

If the student fails the Module 1 and/or Module 2 exam, they will be given one opportunity to retake an alternate exam within 1 month from the exam date, in accordance with IREC policy. However, if the student also fails the retake exam, they will not be issued a course completion certificate. The student may retake the Module for a fee.

Partner program refunds will follow the partner program’s refund policy.

Cancellation Policy

In the instance that Idaho Online Real Estate Academy cancels a course, students will be given an option to either, A) receive a full refund within 14 business days, or B) retain a course credit for future use.

Confidentiality Policy

ALL registered students’ non-public information will be considered confidential information and kept in strict confidence. Under no circumstances will students’ confidential information be shared with any third parties, with the exception of A) if expressly requested in writing by the student and it is lawful for Idaho Online Real Estate Academy to do so, or B) for necessary or required disclosure to the Idaho Real Estate Commission or Idaho Real Estate Education Council, or C) otherwise required by law.

Attendance Policy

In accordance with IREC’s Attendance Policy, 100% on-time attendance is required to complete the pre-license exams. However, on a case-by-case basis, make-up work may be assigned for prel-icense courses only at the discretion of the instructor or academy to satisfy the 100% attendance requirement.

See Make-Up Work Policy.

Make-Up Work Policy

Students who miss ANY portion of the required class for only the pre-license courses MAY be eligible to do make-up work to satisfy the 100% attendance requirement at the discretion of the instructor or academy.

Course providers are required to submit course completion certification to IREC within 5 business days after the completion date of the course. Therefore, in order to satisfy this requirement, IF a student is approved for make-up work, it must be completed by the scheduled course completion date for a pre-license course or the student will not receive credit for the course.

In accordance with IREC Guidelines, make-up work may be any of the below:

1. Extra homework or other assignment given by the instructor (assignment cannot duplicate material already presented in portion of class attended and must relate to subject matter the student missed)

2. Attendance in the corresponding class session(s) in a subsequent offering of the same course or

3. Supervised presentation of an audio or video recording of the class session(s) missed.

Students may meet this requirement either by completing additional work OR by attending the portion of class they missed in later class offerings, but do not need to complete both.

The selection of the type of make-up work and details thereof will be determined on a case-by-case basis in discussions with the instructor and the student.

If the student is unable to regularly attend classes on-time and prepared for learning, they will be removed from the course.

All make-up work done in-full will be counted as attendance for the class missed, and a record of the make-up work will be kept by the instructor and the academy as proof for a minimum of 90 days after the course completion.

If requested in writing by either the Idaho Real Estate Commission or Idaho Real Estate Education Council, Idaho Online Real Estate Academy will submit the supporting make-up work documentation for their review.